Prayer Archives | YWAM Newcastle Leap into a story far bigger than your own Wed, 18 Dec 2019 05:16:19 +0000 en-GB hourly 1 How a Little Prayer Was Answered on the Streets of Bryon Bay Mon, 08 Jul 2019 21:00:05 +0000 Little Prayers. Big God.

The post How a Little Prayer Was Answered on the Streets of Bryon Bay appeared first on YWAM Newcastle.

“Lord, please give me the opportunity to speak to people in French and Spanish.”

This was the simple prayer of a woman wanting to use her talents and gifts for God. Recently, God answered this small prayer through a random conversation on the streets of Byron Bay, NSW, Australia.

It was a Friday night and one of our January Discipleship Training School (DTS) teams had arrived in Byron Bay earlier in the week, ready to begin their outreach. That night the team decided to go into town to meet people and talk with them about God. Before hitting the streets, Erika, along with Anna and Nick, prayed to God, asking Him what they should do for the evening. They felt that they should walk the streets and try to talk to the people they met about Jesus and His Good News. It was a chance to share with others all the amazing things they have been learning about God, themselves and others, for the past three months on DTS.

Have you ever found yourself in a strange place, at the end of a long day, with not a lot of motivation? Though the team was willing, some were finding it difficult to do ministry. Erika particularly was feeling tired from the long day, and just ‘heavy’ due to things on her mind. Between chatting with people, Erika would find herself dosing off; wanting to simply sit down due to fatigue.

A sense of ‘failure’ came washing over her, and that was when she sought help from the Lord.

Determined to push through negative feelings and put the gospel first, she again prayed to God “Lord, I am so tired, but use me!” Erika felt the Lord speak the word ‘spontaneous’ to her. She felt a burst of energy, and so eagerly sought an opportunity to talk to others.

Not long after, while walking down main street, Erika heard a woman speaking with a French accent. She asked the team to stop, and to come with her as she went to talk to the woman. The woman was with two other men and Erika walked straight up to them, asking if they had time to chat. A little surprised at the interruption, they responded with a, ‘yes’. A conversation began and the team chatted about God, asking the friends questions about their knowledge of Jesus. Uncomfortable with the subject, the small group didn’t want to talk much so the team decided to try a different tack.

Erika began chatting to the woman with the accent. Speaking in French, she learned that the woman’s name was Margot and that she was really worried about a test she was taking the next morning. It wasn’t just any test either, Margot was applying for her Australian citizenship, a process which had taken many years. Erika asked Margot if she would like prayer. Though Margot hadn’t wanted to hear about the gospel earlier she did, however, happily accept prayer for her upcoming test.

Holding hands and standing together in a circle, Erika prayed for Margot in French.

As they prayed, Margot squeezed Erika’s hands tightly, agreeing out loud with the words Erika prayed. “Yes, yes, this is very good!” she exclaimed as Erika continued to pray. Smiling from ear to ear, the woman thanked Erika and the team for stopping before hugging her goodbye.

As they walked away, the team was encouraged by this positive experience as they learned to step out in faith for God. Despite the fact that the conversation was not exactly what they had imagined street evangelism to look like, they felt they were led by the prompting of Holy Spirit.

Erika, was overwhelmed with gratitude to have had the chance to use multiple languages during the conversation. With a deep sense of fondness, she thanked her Heavenly Father for paying such close attention to what she thought was just a ‘small prayer’.

It’s a beautiful thing to know that God hears our every prayer, and answers even the ones that seem small or insignificant. He loves us that much!

by Chad Desjardins
January DTS Student

The post How a Little Prayer Was Answered on the Streets of Bryon Bay appeared first on YWAM Newcastle.

9 Things I Learned On My YWAM DTS Tue, 19 Jan 2016 03:27:56 +0000 What will you learn on your DTS?

The post 9 Things I Learned On My YWAM DTS appeared first on YWAM Newcastle.

Going into my DTS with YWAM (Youth With A Mission) I only knew a few things:
I was about to travel 9,300 miles across the world to spend 3 months in Australia and 3 months in another country. I would be leaving my friends and family for a total of 6 months, and I’d be doing some kind of missions work! Little did I know all that God had in store for me! I never imagined learning and growing as much as I did. Here are 10 of the biggest things I learned on my Discipleship Training School:

1. God’s plan for my life is SO much better than my own plan for my life.

So often, we try to control our lives and forget to invite God in. We get so caught up in our own plans that we forget to ask God what he wants. Sometimes he will completely redirect our plans into something so much better! And the safest and best place we can be is in the will of God!

2. God’s love is steadfast. He is constant in his character and his love will never fail.

God does not pick and choose favourites, or decide to act in certain situations and not others. God is consistent and trustworthy in all his ways! He is near to us even when we can’t see him working or feel that he is with us. He is always in our midst, regardless of our situation. Even though the seasons change and trials come our way, God is still the same God yesterday, today, and tomorrow!

3. The importance of reading the Word of God!

When we dive into scripture we begin to replace the lies we’ve believed for so long and start to fill ourselves with the truth of God! Spending time with God allows us to grow in intimacy with God as we gain wisdom of his character.

4. FREE people FREE people!

The thing I love about YWAM is that they train, teach and equip young people like myself to be missionaries! To Know God and Make him known! Not only did we learn more about God throughout DTS, but we also learned so much about ourselves and how God sees us. When we start to see ourselves from God’s eyes, we break off the chains the world has put on us and walk out in the freedom God has for us. 

5. God ALWAYS finishes what he starts!

God never leaves things half done or unfinished. He is a God who finishes thoroughly. Just think of creation! God put so much time and detail into everything he made! He also cares about all the little details in our lives!

6. There’s nothing we can do to earn God’s love!

The story of the lost prodigal in Luke 15 has really stood out to me recently. The prodigal son leaves his family and spends his father’s fortunes. Eventually, he wants to go home to his fathers’ house but assumes his father will not welcome him back. However, the father is waiting for his son with the door wide open. When his son returns, he says nothing about what he did or where he went. Instead, he delights in his presence and celebrates his return. God does the same thing with us. We are never to far gone for the Love of God!

7. There is so much freedom and reward found in laying things down to God. To allow him to be Lord over everything in your life.

Living a life completely devoted to God is not easy but it’s so worth it! Life with God is the most exciting life you can live! God loves adventures and excitement, and he wants us to experience that too! There’s nothing more exciting than stepping out in obedience to God and experiencing all the rewards and challenges that come with it!

8. What it looks like to rely on God to Sustain my joy!

On outreach, God really taught me a lot about what genuine joy looks like He has also challenged me to keep my roots of Joy in God and not the people I’m with or the places I go. It’s so easy for us to get our joy from the temporary circumstances we are living under. The places we are or the people we are with can often be temporary, but the joy of the Lord is eternal!

9. God is constantly speaking to us!

He speaks to us all in different ways because he knows how we will best receive/discern his voice! For instance, God speaks to me the most through nature and people because he knows I’m a people person and I love to be surrounded by nature. I’ve learned so much about how God is a speaking God, and how I can learn to hear His voice!

Final Thoughts

I am so incredibly thankful for tall that God has taught me and given me revelations about over the past 6 months. It has been a crazy, God-filed adventure! I’m so sad to know this season of my life is coming to an end, but I know that these 6 months have just been the beginning of all that God has in store for me!

By Katie Estenson
July DTS Student

The post 9 Things I Learned On My YWAM DTS appeared first on YWAM Newcastle.
